Frequently Asked Questions
Integrative Medicine combines conventional “traditional” medicine with complementary therapies. It focuses on the whole person and their well-being, not just their illness or disease. Integrative medicine uses evidence-based practices. An integrative practitioner works with your healthcare team to achieve optimal health and healing.
Functional Medicine is a systems biology-based approach that focuses on identifying and addressing the ROOT CAUSE of disease. Each symptom of differential diagnosis may be one of many contributing to an individual’s illness. The precise manifestation of each cause depends on the individual's genes, environment, and lifestyle, and only treatments that address the right cause will have lasting benefit beyond symptom suppression.
Functional medicine takes a comprehensive, WHOLE health approach to prevention, health, and well-being; treats root causes of disease; and restores healthy function through a personalized patient experience – all while being a vital partner to conventional medicine.
Holistic Medicine works toward healing the WHOLE person – body, mind, and spirit. It integrates conventional medicine and alternative therapies to prevent and treat disease, and most importantly, to promote optimal health.
Holistic medicine encompasses all safe and appropriate modalities of diagnosis and treatment. It includes analysis of physical, nutritional, environmental, emotional, spiritual, and lifestyle elements.
Holist medicine focuses upon patient education and participation in the healing process. Holistic medicine searches for the underlying cause of disease instead of treating symptoms alone.
Illness is viewed as a manifestation of a dysfunction of the whole person, not just an isolated event. A relationship among the physician/nurse practitioner and the patient is essential. Optimal health is much more than the absence of sickness. It is the conscious pursuit of the highest qualities of the physical, environmental, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social aspects of the human experience.
How do I know you won't dismiss me too?
I have been in your shoes. I suffered from the shortcomings of our traditional healthcare system. As a nurse practitioner it is very disheartening I wasn't taken seriously when I told my doctor I thought I was having seizures. It is even worse. I finally received a diagnosis of epilepsy, determined it was genetic, and then had to watch my son's neurologist DO NOTHING but "watch and wait" while he regressed developmentally and academically. If the system I dedicated my life to dismisses me I can only imagine how the system has destroyed you. I want to change the system. I understand I can't do this on my own. With your help we can change the system together.
I am different from the healthcare providers you have seen in the past. I work to keep my costs low. I break up a large complex healthcare plan into a series of smaller healthcare plans. My goal is to have you in a better state of health within 12 months. We are not looking for a short term quick fix that doesn't last. We are looking at creating and maintaining a long term life plan for better health and wellness. I personally spend about 1 HOUR with my new patients. Follow up visits are based on your future needs. We focus on what is MOST IMPORTANT TO YOU. All we ask is for you to keep in mind we cannot untangle the web of your complex health conditions in one visit. We untangle your health needs one visit at a time. We would like for you to View your life like an onion....we peel back one layer at a time.
I do not provide urgent care services. Please see a local urgent care center, emergency room, or primary healthcare provider if you are concerned you have an acute illness such as strep, flu, COVID, ect. Certain people and certain infections require specific medical treatment. Traditional healthcare services should not be completely dismissed. They have a purpose in achieving health, maintaining wellness, and healing the body. Once you have a diagnosis of your acute illness we can work with you on a holistic treatment plan. We can not win at life when we are always sick. We work with you to create a life with fewer sick days.
Payment Information
Since we utilize medical services and treatment modalities outside of the traditional medical model we can not accept insurance at this time.
Why do you not accept insurance?
Healthcare should be individualized and not one size fits all. Our recommendations are based on your individual needs and not on what your insurance plan will cover or decides is best. What one “NEEDS” to get well and what the insurance will “PAY” is not the same. We want you to enjoy the freedom of knowing your insurance provider does not dictate nor have a say in the services we provide. We work with you on an individual basis to determine the BEST plan of care for you, your family, and your loved ones.
How Payment Works
A credit card is needed simply to reserve your appointment.
On site payment is due the day of your appointment.
Cash, Check, or Venmo Preferred.
( 3% charge for credit card use )

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It's Your Health, LLC
All rights reserved.